Tavan Bogd


Tavan Bogd
Is the name of a region and national park in the far west part of Mongolia in the Bayan-Ölgii province.
Tavan Bogd (Таван богд) meaning Five-Saints for the five snow covered mountain peaks.

Click on map for full size image

Khüiten peak
The highest peak in Mongolia is Khüiten (Хүйтний) meaning cold in Mongolian.
Height 4,374m (14,350 feet), various other numbers appear on different maps.
In 1956 was the first recorded accent by the Russian Pieskariow and 12 Mongolians.
More detailed information from a 2018 climb, with great photos by Matt and Laura.

Malchin peak
Malchin (Малчин) means herder in Mongolian.
Height 4050m other numbers appear on various maps.

Nairamdal Peak
Nairamdal means friendship in Mongolian. The peak marks the border between Mongolia, Russia and China. Height 4180m (13,390 feet).

Potaniin glacier
The Potanin glacier is the longest glacier in Mongolia, it is about 14Km long.

Trekking to Base camp and Malchin peak.
You can walk all the way to base camp, and get a good view of the glacier and peaks.
Malchin peak is a non technical climb, and you get great views of the Potanin glacier, the peaks around and Russia. It takes about 5-7 hours to get to the top from the Potanin glacier.
Several tour companies offer trips to the region, like the local company Nur Altai.

Climbing Khuiten peak.
To climb to the Khuiten peak you need all the technical gear including ropes, and crampons. From base camp to the peak and back it takes 3 days.
First day, walk from base camp to the front camp, second day climb to the peak 8-10 hours round trip. Third day walk from the front camp to base camp.
This climb is demanding and is done in a group with experienced climbers.
There are crevasses on the glacier and snow pits climbing the mountain.
There are several tour operators, like Mongolia-Expeditions that offer a trip to Khiten Mt.
The cost is $2000-$3000 per person depending on company and number of people in the group. The cost includes domestic flight from Ulaanbaatar and back, food, guides, tents, gear, camels, Jeep transfers, lodging.

Getting there
Ask for assistance at the tourist information in Olgii, ask for Nazguul she manages the office. If the office is closed call her (her phone number is on the office door). She will arrange for a jeep, guide, give you directions, etc.
From Olgii get a jeep to take you to the end of the dirt road, and walk from there.

Ask at your guest house for a guide.
Try Alma - she speaks English with you, Mongolian in UB, and Kazakh in the west.

You might be interested also in the  Bayan-Olgii to Khoton Nuur trek in this same region.

Russian topographical map, original scale: 1:100,000 (click on map for full size)


Anonymous said...

Nazgul's phone number is 99424505. She speaks good english and owns Traveler's Guest house.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to share an info about one asshole in Ulgii.

Unfortunately I did not write down his name. But some signs to recognize him: he's teacher (also his wife), runs one ger camp on west outskirts of Ulgii (at the end of asphalt road). His phone number +97699414015

I suggest you avoid services from this guy unless you have good nerves. He seemed to be quite nice at the beginning, but at the end we were leaving bit angry. All the arguing with him about the money and stuff he fucked up does not make your stay more pleasant.

His wonderful personality does not stop him from promising you just anything and at the same time he does not miss any opportunity to ask you to pay something extra for some services that you agreed already on price before (usually with charming argument that German tourists are paying much more than you do). Simply trying to milk more money from you.

I just have to leave one credit to him, if you play hard and does not get weakened by his theatrical plays, you get better price for your jeep than you would pay to Bek or Bluewolf agency. But he would be very arrogant and not nice at all.

Bree Bites Food said...

Thankss for the post